Why choose us

Better Security and Services Start Here

It has never been a more dangerous time to have the misconception, especially as a leader to assume that data is too inconsequential to be of interest to cyber criminals. Data breaches start with an automated system looking for easy targets. The majority of breaches don’t directly target a specific person or business. They are tying their luck on all the doors and hoping one is unlocked. Once in they can steal your data or encrypt it and ask you to pay a ransom to get it back. When the ransom is paid, some criminal have left your information on the dark web to be sold or don’t return your data at all



  • OAS – On-Access Scan

  • ODS – On-Demand Scan

  • MAV – Mail Anti Virus

  • WAV – Web Anti-Virus

Did you know, Brits lost a staggering £3.9 billion to fraudsters in 2022?

Cybercrime has evolved to be a trillion-dollar industry in America alone, surpassing the illegal drug trade.

IoT cyberattacks alone are projected to more than double by 2025.

Your company could be under attack right now, and you won’t know until it’s too late. Our focus is on having excellent personal customer service. We offer high-value cyber and information security services that increase security posture and awareness.

QCS ensures that your company has the resources to keep its information systems secure. We offer tailor-made services to find the best solution for your company needs.

Businesses rely on IT infrastructure that is both secure and resilient, yet many organisations are overwhelmed with security threats and complex regulatory compliance requirements.

With QCS Services, you can help protect your business from evolving threats with the right tools and skills. Our experts will help you understand and address gaps in security, risk and compliance programs across your organisation and help resolve issues while identifying ways for continuous improvement against evolving threats. Leverage our unique combination of platform, process, and people, to expand your capacity for innovation and take advantage of new technologies quickly, without waiting until your organisation has the necessary skills.

About us

A Little about us

Quantum Cyber Services is a consultancy company dedicated to delivering the highest quality of information security and data protection advisory and support services to its clients.

We provide a range of consulting, subscriptions or fixed term security services on a personal level or organisations of any size. This company was started to deliver effective solutions at an affordable price that protect against modern day cyber threats. We aim to provide reports to clients with both technical and non technical knowledge.

How we work

Here, we get to know your company’s operations, technology, and business in order to determine how and where we may be most useful and effective.



We want to create a work stream that satisfies your cyber goals and enables us to provide our premium security services. This is an important component of consulting.



Delivering your work stream and enhancing your security posture both start now. Whatever your needs are, we can help you thanks to our range of services.



After we finish our job, we return to you with our findings and conclusions to discuss any necessary corrective measures. We're here to help resolve problems.


What Client’s Say About Us

Our Services

Our unique approach to systems implementation


CHANGE Management

At QCS, we understand that navigating change is a complex journey. That's why we're thrilled to offer Change Management Services tailored to guide organisations through seamless transitions. Our dedicated team of experts brings a wealth of experience in strategising, planning, and implementing change initiatives.

Change management is the compass that guides organisations through the turbulent waters of transformation. It’s not merely about implementing new processes or technologies, but rather about navigating the intricate human dynamics that come with change.


By acknowledging the challenges, addressing resistance, and fostering open communication, change management ensures that transitions are smooth, stakeholders are engaged, and objectives are met.


In a world where adaptation is essential for growth, change management stands as a linchpin, helping organisations embrace evolution while minimising disruptions and maximising the potential for success.



We will carry out an audit of your current Security posture and report back on how to improve your company’s Security landscape. An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies and processes for handling sensitive data in an organisation. Our Lead Auditor applies the ISMS ISO/IEC 27001 framework to ensure the security of your company's information.

Information and cybersecurity audits serve as the vigilant guardians of an organisation’s digital integrity. They provide a comprehensive assessment of data protection measures, uncover vulnerabilities, and evaluate the effectiveness of security protocols. In an era where data breaches and cyber threats are pervasive, these audits act as a strategic defence mechanism, helping to identify weak points before they can be exploited by malicious actors. By ensuring compliance with regulations, enhancing risk management strategies, and fostering a culture of proactive cybersecurity, these audits play an instrumental role in safeguarding sensitive information and preserving the trust of stakeholders.



The process of actively seeking to acquire access to a target system or systems is known as penetration testing. A penetration test's main objective is to detect missing or incorrectly set security safeguards. The results are then documented in a report that is sent to our clients.

A Statement of Works document, which describes the penetration test’s scope and the rules of engagement (what the testing consultant may and cannot do), governs penetration tests. In order to decrease the impact on company availability, destructive or disruptive behaviour is avoided by default.


Types of Pen Tests:


  • Cloud
  • Web application
  • Network ( internal & External )



The cyber world is ever-evolving and unpredictable, with new vulnerabilities being found all the time. With a strong Vulnerability Management programme, you can stay on top of vulnerabilities that could seriously harm your company's operations. With our Vulnerability Management programme, Quantum Cyber Services can provide coverage for both internal and external assets while working around your company operations

When a vulnerability is found, we notify the relevant IT function—whether it be an internal IT department or an external IT support provider—along with our recommendations for fixing it. This means you stay ahead of vulnerabilities before they have a negative impact on your organisation. We also provide a report debrief where we may discuss individual vulnerabilities and their possible impact in greater detail.


A Vulnerability Management programme can be created in a variety of ways. We can concentrate on your company’s exterior digital footprint, such as web servers and online apps, or we can concentrate on its internal network.


We can also provide a credentialed scan, which broadens the range of tests that can be run and enables us to delve a little deeper into the internal network. A major component of a vulnerability management programme is scan frequency. For companies functioning in a dynamic environment or where finance is closely correlated with time, such as fast-paced industries like hedge funds, daily scanning can be a real benefit. However, for organisations that operate on a smaller scale or with fewer software and hardware assets, this technical overhead and expense may be a bit excessive.


We can provide scans at a range of frequencies depending on your company’s needs, from daily to quarterly.


We would not advise scanning less frequently than once a month since we believe this provides firms with an excessively small window of opportunity to adequately address issues. The usual advice we give clients is to start with weekly scans and work their way up to daily scans if the environment is subject to rapid changes or to biweekly scans if the environment is stable and rarely changing. 



On internal network audits and health checks, weak passwords are frequently found. Passwords have long been the torment of IT users everywhere, ranging from the simple to the downright funny.

Unfortunately, attackers use weak passwords as the easy pickings when going after any size of company. A weak password gives a chance to establish a foundation from which to acquire additional access. This makes checking for weak passwords both an essential component of a cyber strategy and a necessary part of network maintenance.


It is recommended to approach password auditing in a time-boxed manner, setting a maximum amount of time that may be spent on this service because it is a time-consuming operation.



A firewall review compares a target firewall's condition to industry best practises for security. A firewall review's goal is to find security flaws and incorrect configurations before they are used in an attack chain.

Firewalls are frequently the initial line of defence in environments with external resources like web servers and online applications, playing a significant role in the Defence-in-Depth strategy. Regularly monitoring a firewall’s security configuration and ruleset is essential since they can internally regulate network segmentation and network limits.


Key elements of a firewall review are:

  • Overly permissive rulesets
  • End of life firewall hardware
  • Shared administration access
  • Poor user privilege access
  • Outdated firewall software
  • Rule duplication and poor housekeeping
  • Vague/uncommented rules

Depending on client needs, our firewall evaluation procedure can be done remotely or on-site. If a safe export of firewall rules can be made accessible to us, we can also offer a paper-based rule review service.



Security awareness training is a strategy used by IT and security professionals to prevent and mitigate user risk. These programs are designed to help users and employees understand the role they play in helping to combat information security breaches. Effective security awareness training helps employees understand proper cyber hygiene, the security risks associated with their actions and to identify cyber attacks they may encounter via email and the web.

You can quickly launch automated campaigns to train your team against phishing attacks with QCS,s phishing simulator. By teaching staff members how to recognise suspicious components in phishing emails and other social engineering attempts, phishing simulation helps secure your business.


A single successful phishing attempt can hurt your business by costing you time, money, and client confidence. Using our Custom Phishing Editor, you may create your own attacks or pick from a wide selection of phishing templates.


Target various user groups, set your phishing testing on autopilot, and follow up with on-the-spot anti-phishing training. Detailed reports on security awareness levels examine the knowledge and response of your users to phishing attempts.


Phishing simulation helps protect your organisation by training your employees to identify, avoid and report suspicious emails. Phishing your employees is a way to teach them about the tactics and techniques cyber criminals use to steal their personal information.


Attackers use phishing as a way to steal sensitive information such as logins, credit card numbers and identities. These attacks can be personalised through social media and deliver malicious payloads of malware, ransomware and spyware. 



A crucial security tool that aids in securing your online accounts and personal data is multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Simply put, MFA makes it more difficult to access your accounts by needing more than simply a password. MFA requests additional criteria in addition to something you know (like a password) in order to confirm your identity.

Something you own, like a smartphone or a hardware token, is the most typical factor utilised in MFA. Normally, when you enable MFA, your account and device are linked. As a result, in addition to your password, you must additionally log in using a special code produced by your device. This means that even if someone were to steal or guess your password, they would need the additional code from your device to access your account.


As a result of requiring both a password and a device to verify your identity, MFA adds an additional layer of security. This makes it far more difficult for hackers or other unauthorised users to access your accounts, even if they manage to get their hands on your password.


By utilising MFA, you significantly lower the possibility of unauthorised access and guard against the compromise of sensitive data such as financial information, personal information, and other data. It works well to strengthen the security of your online accounts and safeguard your data.


Benefits of MFA:

  • Increased account security
  • Defence against credential stuffing
  • Safeguarding personal and sensitive data
  • Compliance with industry standards

It’s vital to remember that even while MFA considerably improves security, it cannot provide 100 percent security.


To boost your entire security posture, it offers a crucial layer of defence that greatly lowers the danger of unauthorised access.


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